Wednesday, August 28, 2013

BREAK--------> THRU!!!

Okay for anyone living in or near downtown Atlanta you know it is major construction time on almost every street. It is almost impossible to drive straight through without experiencing a detour sign or a slow down sign or a stop sign. Well God began to show me the same thing is going on in the spiritual realm. You see your promise but all kinds of detour signs, roadblocks , road closed signs have been deliberately set to hinder you or stop you!

But God is saying today is your Break-----Thru-->. Let me share this! On Tuesday I had to pick up my daughter from Georgia State which is right in the middle of downtown Atlanta. I decided to make a u-turn to avoid traffic in front me so I thought. Well as I turned the corner I ran into traffic again. There we were sitting in traffic for an extra 20 minutes or so because opposing traffic kept blocking the roadway for us to get through. After sitting through several red lights I felt the Spirit of David rise up in me! I begin to take control and position myself to BREAK----thru the traffic and get to the other side. No I don't have road rage and I am not impatient, but it was my time to move forward or keep sitting there allowing traffic to keep blocking my way. So I pulled up around the car and positioned myself to get to the other side. When the light turned green, I swung the car around and through, there was another car who turned in front of me but it didn't stop me from getting to the other side quickly and safely!

Okay what am I saying?? God is saying your promise is right there but satan is not going to allow you to just walk right up and take possession of it. He is strategically placing roadblocks, detour signs and obstacles to frustrate you and slow you down to the point you give into it or retreat back thinking that it is not your time , but today GOD IS SAYING YOUR BREAK------THRU -----is HERE!!! Don't allow what you see the enemy doing stop you from getting to the other side. Rise up like David PURSUE, overtake and RECOVER ALL! Know who you are and WHOSE YOU ARE!! God says He will direct your path if you trust and obey HIM!! Like I said the blocking of traffic didn't stop but I had to move strategically and maneuver my way through knowing it was my time for Breaking thru!!! In the SPIRIT God says stop waiting for the way to be clear, USE YOUR KINGDOM POWER AND AUTHORITY TO MAKE THE WAY CLEAR! Your BREAK-----> THRU is HERE!!

Lysondra J Hardy
MA, Ed. Educational Leadership
Follow me on legacy_leaver
Social cam @ Lysondra Hardy
Instagram @ mssondra7

Need prayer here are two powerful prayer calls!!

The int'l prayer call 6:30am EST M-F
559-726-1050, 530-881-1050
Or log onto

The Power of Ten
Global prayer call M-F 7-7:10am EST
712-432-0080 code 445976#