Monday, July 8, 2013
Hello Everyone;
Ms. Sondra is just stopping by to remind you how important to God you really are. There are times in our lives where we have gone through so much we just want to throw our hands up in the air and tell God I can't go anymore. This thing right here I'm not strong enough to deal with, I just want to give up and say FORGET IT!!! Have any of you been there? I know I have, several times. Being a single parent raising three young ladies came with some real tough challenges financially, emotionally,spiritually and even mentally. Wondering which move should I make next, and at the same time being strong for my family and all those connected to me, which someimes can leave myself dehydrated from the inside out. But the great thing is I didn't stop, and I celebrated each step I took in the right direction no matter big or small I became a better person each time I decided not to give up or give in.
Okay for all of those who always have it together ,this blog is definitely not for you. God bless you and I can't wait to attend some of your five part seminar trainings on how to always be perfect and never experience any trouble 101-105. Ms. Sondra just wanted to share some encouragement to those who may have some challenges right now, whether it is family, ministry, job, health you were born to win!! You are so important to God that He himself will not even allow you to give up. Like I said I faced many challenges where I wanted to quit, take some pills and sleep forever, but God's love wouldn't allow me to and I am so glad His Love covered me in my most weakest moments. Yes His strength is made perfect in my weakness. It was in those moments of my weakness when I realized how important and loved I am by God.
In life people will try and make you feel insignificant, worthless, and a waste of their time, but God has never felt that way about you. God's love supercedes any human interpretation of love for that is whom God is, God is Love. You know if we can just understand this concept of who God really is we would be less judgemental and condeming. God's love goes beyond culture barriers, religion and man made ideologies. You are so important to God He stopped me to write this blog to let you know you are always on His mind and He doesn't want you to stress out, getting sick mentally and physically and God definitely don't want you walking around feeling hopeless and drained out. God says you are so important to Him that He gave His one and only Son to die for you and me. Here's how much He loved us, that while we were out still doing what we wanted to do, without even knowing who Jesus actually was and his assignment ,God's Son gave His life just for us to have relationship through Him with God the Father in heaven. Now THAT IS HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE TO GOD!!
From now on don't ever feel that you are not important or that you don't matter because what you do is getting God's attention. Remember that, as long as God is smiling on you and He has given you His approval then keep moving forward in the right direction. Today God is saying He can turn your mess into a message if you release it to Him. He knows all about the bad things you've done and when you repented the first time is the moment He has forgiven you. Now God is waiting on you to do what He designed and purposed for you to become. You don't have to die losing, when God through His Son Jesus made you more than a Conqueror, gave you a new life and a FRESH START. YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT and what you say and do for others DOES MATTER!! So GET MOVING, PEOPLE ARE WAITING ON YOU TO BE THAT LIGHT!
With Love;
Lysondra J. Hardy
MA. Ed, Educational Leadership
Empowerment Speaker
Author- SAY THAT! available for purchase on
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