Friday, December 6, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Has God ever given you such an enormous assignment when half  the people have left, or told you to move forward in purchasing something great with only five dollars in your account and now your credit which was in great standing, is not so great anymore. I come to tell you if you're trying to recruit a whole lot of people to stand with you, or follow you to the other side it's not going to happen. No, for in this season God wants to push you to great faith to believe in a GREAT GOD!! Anyone can boast when everything is in place, money is overflowing in abundance and you have the popular vote. It's hard to keep having GREAT FAITH in what you don't see, and all you have is a Word from God and His stamp of approval! I'm writing this to tell you , God says you have more than enough! He is with you and for you, and will give you wise strategies to outwit your opposers and cause them to bless you.

In Judges 7 Gideon prepares to fight the Midianites, only problem God said there are too many men. Take them to the water and I will sift them there (Judges 7:4) . 300 men lapped the water with their tongues like a dog God said I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands (Judges 7: 7). Why did God use this type of tests to determine who goes to battle with Gideon? Why did God use the illustration comparing it or as a dog does? Many will look at it from a contextual point those who lap straight to the face will be more alert, or quick on the feet. But let's take a closer look at the loyalty of a dog. What Gideon was about to face he knew already outnumbered him and in this season and set time leaders you only need a few people who are loyal, trustworthy, dedicated and dependable. The 300 who lapped like a dog revealed their heart before God and their leader loyalty unto the end, even if it means death. Dogs are known as Man's best friend, companion, protector, loyal servant.

I love the movie 300. Again we see soldiers being trained from childhood how to fight, survive and the most important Loyal to Sparta and their leaders. Ms Sondra says in this season God will reveal to you your loyal lappers. No I'm not calling anyone a dog, but I'm highlighting the characteristics of the dog that won Gideon the battle. They are few in number but are relentlessly loyal and faithful to the end. In the movie 300 , no one had their own agendas. When asked what was their occupation, Spartans army shouted with one voice a loud decree . Spartan army defended their leader at all costs and willing to die if that's what it took for victory in protecting Sparta. Leaders, God says don't look for your breakthrough to the next in the majority. God is handing your enemies over to you, with  the 300. Now we all know seasons change and things shift, but God also sends  people who are assigned to you to get to the other side.  God is saying  in order for this victory to take place go with the loyal few like Gideon, take on a different spirit and be strong and courageous like Joshua.

Gods order is here, don't get caught up in how and move forward in the  ALREADY VICTORY! Ms Sondra just wanted to encourage everyone, even myself Gods favor is on you and has already gone before you. Focus on the 300 and realize you have more than enough to win and God hand you over your enemies to bless you. God says remember this after ever battle of victory there is a time set aside afterwards to collect the spoils of your enemies, how do you think David became so wealthy and was able to give millions of dollars in tithes and offerings??  God will use His majority (300) to give YOU victory over your enemies majority. Move in your 300 now and don't look back. Watch and see the salvation of The Lord . EVERYTHING IS WORKING TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD even your enemies to fund your GOOD!!!

Be Blessed;

Lysondra J. Hardy MA, Ed

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

BREAK--------> THRU!!!

Okay for anyone living in or near downtown Atlanta you know it is major construction time on almost every street. It is almost impossible to drive straight through without experiencing a detour sign or a slow down sign or a stop sign. Well God began to show me the same thing is going on in the spiritual realm. You see your promise but all kinds of detour signs, roadblocks , road closed signs have been deliberately set to hinder you or stop you!

But God is saying today is your Break-----Thru-->. Let me share this! On Tuesday I had to pick up my daughter from Georgia State which is right in the middle of downtown Atlanta. I decided to make a u-turn to avoid traffic in front me so I thought. Well as I turned the corner I ran into traffic again. There we were sitting in traffic for an extra 20 minutes or so because opposing traffic kept blocking the roadway for us to get through. After sitting through several red lights I felt the Spirit of David rise up in me! I begin to take control and position myself to BREAK----thru the traffic and get to the other side. No I don't have road rage and I am not impatient, but it was my time to move forward or keep sitting there allowing traffic to keep blocking my way. So I pulled up around the car and positioned myself to get to the other side. When the light turned green, I swung the car around and through, there was another car who turned in front of me but it didn't stop me from getting to the other side quickly and safely!

Okay what am I saying?? God is saying your promise is right there but satan is not going to allow you to just walk right up and take possession of it. He is strategically placing roadblocks, detour signs and obstacles to frustrate you and slow you down to the point you give into it or retreat back thinking that it is not your time , but today GOD IS SAYING YOUR BREAK------THRU -----is HERE!!! Don't allow what you see the enemy doing stop you from getting to the other side. Rise up like David PURSUE, overtake and RECOVER ALL! Know who you are and WHOSE YOU ARE!! God says He will direct your path if you trust and obey HIM!! Like I said the blocking of traffic didn't stop but I had to move strategically and maneuver my way through knowing it was my time for Breaking thru!!! In the SPIRIT God says stop waiting for the way to be clear, USE YOUR KINGDOM POWER AND AUTHORITY TO MAKE THE WAY CLEAR! Your BREAK-----> THRU is HERE!!

Lysondra J Hardy
MA, Ed. Educational Leadership
Follow me on legacy_leaver
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712-432-0080 code 445976#

Monday, July 8, 2013


Hello Everyone;

     Ms. Sondra is just stopping by to remind you how important to God you really are. There are   times in our lives where we have gone through so much we just want to throw our hands up in the air and tell God I can't go anymore. This thing right here I'm not strong enough to deal with, I just want to give up and say FORGET IT!!! Have any of you been there? I know I have, several times. Being a single parent raising three young ladies came with some real tough challenges financially, emotionally,spiritually and even mentally. Wondering which move should I make next, and at the same time being strong for my family and all those connected to me, which someimes can leave myself dehydrated from the inside out. But the great thing is I didn't stop, and I celebrated each step I took in the right direction no matter big or small I became a better person each time I decided not to give up or give in.

    Okay for all of those who always have it together ,this blog is definitely not for you. God bless you and I can't wait to attend some of your five part seminar trainings on how to always be perfect and never experience any trouble 101-105. Ms. Sondra just wanted to share some encouragement to those who may have some challenges right now, whether it is family, ministry, job, health you were born to win!! You are so important to God that He himself will not even allow you to give up. Like I said I faced many challenges where I wanted to quit, take some pills and sleep forever, but God's love wouldn't allow me to and I am so glad His Love covered me in my most weakest moments. Yes His strength is made perfect in my weakness. It was in those moments of my weakness when I realized how important and loved I am by God.

     In life people will try and make you feel insignificant, worthless, and a waste of their time, but God has never felt that way about you. God's love supercedes any human interpretation of love for that is whom God is, God is Love. You know if we can just understand this concept of who God really is we would be less judgemental and condeming. God's love goes beyond culture barriers, religion and man made ideologies. You are so important to God He stopped me to write this blog to let you know you are always on His mind and He doesn't want you to stress out, getting sick mentally and physically and God definitely don't want you walking around feeling hopeless and drained out. God says you are so important to Him that He gave His one and only Son to die for you and me. Here's how much He loved us, that while we were out still doing what we wanted to do, without even knowing who Jesus actually was and his assignment ,God's Son gave His life just for us to have relationship through Him with God the Father in heaven. Now THAT IS HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE TO GOD!!

    From now on don't ever feel that you are not important or that you don't matter because what you do is getting God's attention. Remember that, as long as God is smiling on you and He has given you His approval then keep moving forward in the right direction. Today God is saying He can turn your mess into a message if you release it to Him. He knows all about the bad things you've done and when you repented the first time is the moment He has forgiven you. Now God is waiting on you to do what He designed and purposed for you to become. You don't have to die losing, when God through His Son Jesus made you more than a Conqueror, gave you a new life and a FRESH START. YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT and what you say and do for others DOES MATTER!! So GET MOVING, PEOPLE ARE WAITING ON YOU TO BE THAT LIGHT!

With Love;

Lysondra J. Hardy
MA. Ed, Educational Leadership
Empowerment Speaker
Author- SAY THAT! available for purchase on

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


 This morning I received a very special phone call from my Auntie in Connecticut. She called to tell me she went to morning prayer at church and during the morning inspiration the speaker stated that they read the posts that I place on facebook. That the posts are very encouraging and helped to get them through some difficult times and to keep standing and believing God's Word. Of course I was blown away because no way did I think someone thousands of miles away in another state early in the morning would quote something that I wrote on facebook. My Aunt proceeded to encourage me to keep on writing, keep on posting because people do read and people are encouraged to stand and believe God's Word. I'm telling you that made my entire day. God took out the time to remind me that what I do for Him does matter, it is valuable and it does help to make a positive difference in someone's life.

That is all this brief blog is today. I'm just taking a moment to remind you that You DO MATTER and nothing that you do for God goes unnoticed. You may never get a thank you from the people you see everyday but God is taking notes and He is recommending you highly. Why? because you decided to make someone elses day brighter instead of focusing on your current circumstances. You decided to show love even after you may have been hurt. You decided to share the love of Christ with a stranger that now has a little hope and a reason to keep living and pushing forward. Stop listening to those negative voices in your head or even sitting next to you, someone does appreciate the good things that you say and do and most importantly God loves what you do to help others.

I encourage you today get your second wind and keep on moving forward. You DO MATTER and no matter how small or great the task God is noticing you for your random acts of kindness. God does notice you paying off someone else's bill when you have your own bills to pay, God is noticing you taking care of someone else's children and you are wondering how you ended up with all of the responsibility that you didn't even sign up for. God just wanted to let you know you are on His mind and He is encouraging you to keep on being faithful. Keep showing up even when everything in that environment seems like it's not going to change. Teachers, you do make an impact on our youth, and what YOU DO DOES MATTER! Pastors, teachers,counselors, advisors, ministers, maitnenance workers, never think that you haven't done anything to break ground, that's what Satan wants you to think. The fact you haven't thrown in the towel is a winning attitude and everyday you defeat the negative stones that were laid to try and make you trip up!

Ms Sondra encourages you to stand, brush your shoulders off, shake yourself loose and cross that finish line strong, with power, authority and courage knowing that YOU DO MATTER! As a result someone's life will be saved, someone's life is being impacted for the better, someone will learn what it is to LOVE and LOVE without fear because you took the time to encourage them to get back up again, start from where they are and move forward because THEY'RE LIFE DOES MATTER!

Love you Much;

Lysondra J. Hardy MA,Ed.

Purchase my book SAY THAT on

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Rejection Can't Stop You!

  As I'm writing this blog I am truly reminded it was the rejection of others that pushed and propelled me into destiny. Why? Because I made a choice not to allow the negative impact of words define who God says I am in Him. I'm not sure what path you had to take in order to get where you are now,but if you decided to take the road to greatness you know that it is no easy task to stay on that road and remain focused on the positive.
  Of course and I will speak from personal experiences.There were plenty of times I wanted to throw in the towel and give up ,but God Himself wouldn't allow me to. I was surrounded by others who didn't just let me sit there and succumb to negative and hateful words from others. Sometimes an encouraging word or a reminder of who God says you are can make a significant difference in your next decision for life's destiny. These words  "Nobody said that the road would be easy" are so true. Be careful of people who always look for the easy way out or the easy road up. One thing when God has called you and anointed you it's not just for a purpose, but it's to establish a legacy and birth the next three and four generations through you. You have been chosen to represent the Kingdom of God . The DNA of Jesus Christ and what His blood can do to eradicate any corrupt blood cell that can damage your bloodline's future. You are important to God and no matter what anyone says or thinks about you negatively God has never stopped loving you or accepting you, REJECTION CAN'T STOP YOU!
  One thing that get's on my nerves are Pharisee's and Sadducee hypocritical spirits that take the Word of God to manipulate and control others into condemnation, bondage, loss of love and hope. They love to make you feel rejected and that you will never be good enough to fit into God's plan. The heathen's are liars and that is not God's truth. Some of you right now were called to do great ministry work for the Kingdom of God but there were people assigned to make you feel unloved and rejected and you believed them because most of your attacks are up close and personal. Let me say this in all caps, THAT WORD WAS NOT SENT FROM GOD"! He forgave you the moment you confessed it. Now it's time to forgive yourself and move forward into God's perfect will for you. Rom. 12:2
   For some of you the rejection from others came as a result of jealousy, insecurity and resentment. Many can see where you're going and don't want you to find out where you are supposed to be. Some of you are suffering rejection from a father, mother, friends, church folk, just to name a few because in their mind you are not good enough to fit into their plan, or the CALL on your life will disrupt too much of their traditional ritualistic plans. I encourage you today "REJECTION CANNOT STOP YOU"! The World hated and rejected Jesus but it did not stop Him from fulfilling the prophecies of scripture foretold. He died so you can live and have LIFE more abundantly. He came and died so we can have right relationship through Him with God the Father. God has never rejected you and he wanted you to know today He has never changed His mind about you. You are important to Him and no matter what you've done, no matter what others think you should be, or what you even think about yourself, God has always seen you as His best masterpiece!
   I have been pregnant without marriage, divorced, rejected ,but God never changed His mind about me, even though I was made to feel by others this would be all I would succumb to. God gave me a Word and I have never let go of that Word and that Word has made me an over comer and more than a Conqueror. He will do the same for you. Just to name a few I am now working on my Doctorate, I am a Minister, All of my girls are on the honor roll and dean's list, I'm an Empowerment and Motivational Speaker and I released my first book in 2011. I believed what God's Word says about me and not the rejection of others.Today make the decision to kill the power of rejection in your life. Know that YOU DESERVE THE BEST, GOD'S BEST! It is time for you to RISE UP and move forward in power,authority and a sound mind knowing God loves you, He is with you and HIS plan will work in your life. "Rejection Can't Stop You"!

Much Love;

Lysondra J Hardy  MA.Ed J. Hardy

Join me on our int'l Prayer Call M-F
6:30am Est
559-726-1050, 530-881-1050
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Friday, March 22, 2013

Legacy Leaver One Nation Under God 03/22 by Legacy Leaver WorldWide | Blog Talk Radio

Legacy Leaver One Nation Under God 03/22 by Legacy Leaver WorldWide | Blog Talk Radio


Sunday, March 3, 2013


  Sometimes in life we can become so overwhelmed with other people's opinions and get caught in the dramatical lies of it all. But we must come to a point in our lives to let go of it all and realize you really don't have to keep living to other's expectations of who they think you should be or become. What matters is what God says about you and the assignment He has for you. Some of us waste too much time trying to explain who we are, when they were never actually connected to us in the first place. If you have to keep explaining who you are, you are wasting your time. As a matter of fact you have aimed too low and hit a unproductive target and expect abundant fruit to come from it, guess what it won't happen.

  When you realize that your experience was too valuable you will not waste time trying to justify who you are. How many times will you continue to lower your standards that it disrupts your character and all you stand for? Yet we want to say it's God, Well let me ask you this? If you were fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and after His likeness then why settle for being around others that can't see that about you or themselves? Again why keep wasting hours,minutes,seconds explaining to people who simply do not and will not hear you. I always say LET THEM SEE IT!! Let them see the Glory of God operating in your life to the fullest. God, I Am (ness) within you will speak for Himself. Stop trying to use your own wisdom and use Godly wisdom to be that salt, that light that sits upon a hill and shines brightly. No need to explain any longer what God is displaying before the world.

  Make no mistake you are being watched all of the time, and your words have power, but your LIFE can also bring about a release for others to be free through allowing them TO SEE IT operating inside of you. You may be the key God uses to lead others to Christ by the life you live, being a walking, living supernatural demonstration. So don't get discouraged or be weary in well doing, your living has meaning and it is bringing much LIFE and productivity to the environment that surrounds you. LET THEM SEE IT!! Let them see your stand in adversity, let them see your victory during your most traumatic time, let them see your supernatural healing and breakthrough. Be a living Epistle that makes an impact and releases transformational influence to Christ so strong they can't resist receiving Him into their lives. LET THEM SEE IT! LET THEM SEE THE LOVE YOU HAVE FOR GOD, YOURSELF AND HOW YOU LOVE AND SERVE OTHERS IN EXCELLENCE! Now that's HOW YOU WIN!

Lysondra J. Hardy

Connect with me J Hardy

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Mean it this Time!

So many times in life we keep repeating the same things over and over again until we don't even believe what we're saying. One thing is for sure if we don't take ourselves seriously we can't expect anyone else too. How many times are we going to continuously set ourselves back and miss so many moments of Now? What is it going to take to finally wake up and not allow it to happen any longer? How many people will continue to get hurt which includes yourself from saying it and going back on your word? At one time your word meant somenthing ,but your repeated pattern of the old mindset has now proven action that they can no longer believe or support you.

This time say it! and Mean it! Your words mean something to someone. Stop making promises that you know you have no intentions of keeping. You know the only reason you said it in the first place, you thought it was something they wanted to hear. No it's time to be honest with yourself, and realize if you don't, you will lose the people you love, great networking relationships and most importantly yourself.  Let's be real the only reason we keep doing the same old meaningless, unproductive things, we just don't want to let go. It's all based on a DECISION. You have a choice to say what you mean and mean what you say or you have a choice to lie about everything because you gave an answer you know in your heart the desire to hold onto it is greater than the actions others are expecting to see.

In the movie "Flight" actor Denzel Washington, did not change or make a choice to change until he admitted who, what ,where and why. He admitted he was an alcoholic, he was a liar, and he hurt so many people, but it was after the fact he lost someone he truly loved and was at the brink of almost lying to save self. He wasn't free in his mind and actions until he freed himself by telling the truth and accepting responsibility. Most times we don't want to be held accountable for our actions and we hope everything will get swept under the rug and act like it never happened. But there is more to life than just you. There are many that love you but your actions are speaking opposite to what you're saying. What will it take for your words to mean something? Will it take you losing eveything and everyone before you MEAN WHAT YOU SAY? In the movie Flight, everyone had covered up his actual problem ,his disEASE TO KEEP HIM AT EASE. He lost everyone who actually loved him,including himself. It's time to make a decision in this moment whether is health related, relationship based, financial, family, work etc... take responsibility for your own actions and realize life is not all about satisfying you. When you make a decision MEAN IT THIS TIME.

Ms. Sondra

Join me on our int'l prayer Call M-F 6:30am est

559-726-1050, 530-881-1050 or log onto

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Don't Let Life PASS you By!

I know what a title for this blog ,but so necessary for where you are to be in life now. Your past has no business in your now and it does not have granted access to walk with you towards your NOW future  The only legal access your past has and should remain is behind you. Now when I refer to your past I'm referring to your tomb of old memories that you tend to reminisce too often and as a result takes the place of your exact now moments in life. In essence this will leave you in a state of I should've, I could've, I wished I would've, I remember I used to...and holding on to this state of mind will leave you caught in a time that has already happened and will never return again. All the while your minutes of now are ticking by that contains the nourishment you need to maximize each moment and have life more abundantly. Even great memories can become a hinderance if we allow it to make decisions that will exclude our opportunies of creative nows.

Don't get stuck in the rearview mirror of PAST life trying to substitute it for your NOW moment of REAL life. The only purpose for your rearview mirror is to make sure that what is behind you stays behind you and it doesn't affect you when you move forward into your NOW! Stop allowing life to PASS you by while you allow the old memories of your PAST to miss Life. Your past if you allow it to, will always cause you to have your head looking back and paralyzed in time. But what you don't see is what's transpiring and transforming right in front of you that can add quality,great opportunities and value to your life. Even great past successes' can leave you stuck on an old blueprint that no longer works in your NOW. How much more power will you give your past to rule your now? How many more decisions will you make based on your past hurts and failuers? How many good people will you hurt because of your lust to hang onto past childhood experiences? Your past doesn't deserve that kind of power you give it on a daily basis. Some of you are married to some really loving and great people but you won't allow them to love you because you never left the tomb of old memories in your mind to let them in to be who they need to be in your life.

Stop saying you are not worthy or feel you are not qualified because of your past experiences. The only thing the past has come to talk about is what has already been and come and gone. The past knows no other language except past tense. The moment you allow your past to rule your now,
is the moment you begin dying. You deserve to live, you deserve to enjoy each moment you are given, and you deserve to experience the BEST moments that life has to offer if you make a choice to take advantage of it. Some of you are dating right now, but you keep bringing skeleton bones of your past on the date with you. You rather consult with an old memory what you should do next in your relationship because your past fears of failures,heartaches, heartbreaks and betrayals has held you hostage and robbed you from experiencing LOVE without restrictions. Today MsSondra sayz it's time to let go and LIVE today. Time that contains your moments of NOW are continuing to pass by unnoticed and unfulfilled because your past has already given it a death sentence to only exist in an old memory of fear of the new.

Ms Sondra Sayz don't let life PASS you by because of your past. Your best days are here and now if you want it to be. It starts with a choice, and a decision to change your mindset and posture your body to move forward letting go of those old memories that have left you stuck,paralyzed and at death's door in your mind. Begin to celebrate each step you make in the right direction and connect with people who are where you need to be. Read literature that will help to inhance your mind and curve your appetite to experience the good things in life and teach you to enjoy your moments of NOW. The Word of God (The Bible) is my favorite to remind me of who I am, who's I am ,that my past is now over and I can have the BEST life NOW and not wait until I get to heaven to enjoy it. Don't let life pass you by. LIVE NOW!

Ms SondraSayz

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